Constitution of the Sovereign Peoples’ Assembly


This constitution is binding on all chartered members of common law assemblies constituted by the people wherever they may assemble. It cannot be amended without a referendum of the chartered members of all active assemblies.

Amendments may be proposed by any chartered member, and the assembly convener will be responsible for tabling the proposed amendment to the national conveners meeting so that all conveners can present the amendment proposal to their assembly chartered members. to vote on

The results of the referendum will be reported back to the national conveners who will the advise the national executive. If the amendment is approved by at least fifty one percent (51%) of the chartered members, the national executive will amend this constitution accordingly.

It is recommended that assembly conveners read out the Code of Conduct at the beginning of each meeting, or whenever it is felt necessary.

Article One – Name

The Assembly shall be designated as The Sovereign Peoples’ Assembly of (name of your community)

Article Two – Purpose

The Assembly shall be an elected self-governing body of the People established to introduce, debate and enact any laws or regulations decided by the People, and to generally govern and protect the community under the rule of the Common Law and the authority and Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.

Article Three – Authority and Power

The Assembly is a de jure sovereign body not subject to any other authority besides that of similar sovereign Assemblies whose delegates gather in an elected Common Law Congress. It shall have the full and undivided power of a governing legislative body, unrestricted by veto or interference, including the power to levy taxes, raise a Citizens’ Militia, seize and reclaim the wealth, land and properties of the nation, and establish and maintain local Common Law courts of justice.

Article Four – Convention

The Assembly shall be convened in an accessible public place on the days and times decided by the Assembly, but not less than once a month. It shall remain in session according to the will of its participants.

Article Five – Structure

The Assembly shall act as a body at large in all of its deliberations, according to a majority vote system of either open or closed balloting, and according to this Constitution. The Assembly shall be administered by an elected Executive Administration Team. The Executive shall meet at least once a month to maintain the daily operations of the Assembly, its courts and its Militia. The Executive Administration Team shall consist of the elected Convener, Corresponding Secretary, the Treasurer, and leaders elected to chair any assembly sub-committees. The Conveners shall be guided by the Assembly members on the subjects to be covered in an assembly Agenda, and an Agenda notice must be sent out to all members at least two days before a scheduled assembly meeting using the built-in PHP List Email system .

Article Six – Establishment

The Assembly shall be established by the common agreement and pledge of at least twelve men and/or women in a community, under a Common Law Assembly Charter issued under the authority of the people of the Commonwealth. The original signatories to this Charter shall assume no guaranteed role or privilege within the Assembly unless thus delegated and elected to a position by the People in Assembly.

Article Seven – Adjunct bodies

Either the Assembly as a whole or the Executive body shall have the power to create the following officers and bodies under the authority of the Assembly and this Constitution:

  1. A Citizens’ Militia to safeguard the safety and liberty of the Assembly and the community as a whole
  2. A Sheriff (or Sheriffs), elected by Chartered members of an assembly, and staff of deputies to provide security to the Assembly and to raise and train the Citizens’ Militia (
  3. Local common law courts
  4. Official delegates to represent the Assembly and the local community within a wider Commonwealth Congress
  5. Local common wealth banks or credit unions to safeguard the wealth of the community
  6. Land trusts and cooperative rural communities
  7. Any other body required for the wellbeing of the Assembly and the People

Article Eight – Limitations

Neither the Assembly, nor its Executive, nor any adjunct body, shall enact any legislation, regulation or course of action that is contrary either to this Constitution or to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 and its common law. We recognize that the Constitution is the highest law of the land, and that every Australian is bound to it by Clause 5. The Executive of the Assembly shall have no veto or nullification power over the decisions of the Assembly unless those decisions violate the terms of this Constitution. 

Any assembly member may table to all assembly members a motion for a vote of no confidence in any member of the Executive Administration team. The Convener will open the floor for debate and then call for a Seconder, followed by a vote, either public or private, by assembly members. The results of the vote will be binding and shall come into force immediately.

Article Nine – Term of Office

The Convener of the Assembly shall have a term of office of one year, and may not serve more than three consecutive terms. Only Chartered members may vote for any position, and they must show a copy of their Charter to the assembly. A Convener who has served one year, must step down and if they wish they can nominate and be seconded for the position again. The Assembly will then vote on any candidates who have nominated. The Corresponding Secretary and other Executive positions shall operate for terms of office established by the Assembly. All Assembly Sheriffs shall be elected for a term of office of at least one year up to a limit that is decided on by the Assembly, but should not exceed five years.

Article Ten – Amendments

This Constitution may be amended by vote of three quarters (75%) of the members of all Assemblies, provided any amendment does not violate the Constitution and common law of the Commonwealth of Australian Constitution Act 1901.

Article Eleven – Branding

The Common Law Logo and the website address is a brand which is an intangible product that helps people recognize and identify our Assemblies. The logo should be used in all our marketing, print and digital media and merchandise.

As a group, a brand sets us apart and gives us a competitive advantage that makes us easily identifiable, also creating trust and credibility, leading to loyalty.

Themis, or Lady Justice as she is often referred to, represents blind, balanced justice, and the powerful slogan Educate, Facilitate, Activate tell people very clearly what our assemblies are all about. Assemblies may not use any other symbols, or change the brand symbols when publishing anything to do with media or activities.

Download a copy of the logo here:

Article Twelve – Disruptive behaviour in meetings

When anyone attending an assembly meeting, including a convener, demonstrates disruptive, malicious, verbal, or physical conduct during assembly meetings, or attempts to divide the assembly, or attempts to lure people away from an assembly for their own purposes, or acts in any way prejudicial to the conduct of a meeting, the assembly may censure the offending member with a warning to cease and desist such behaviour.An offending member will be given two verbal warnings by the assembly. On the third occasion, the assembly may vote to ban the offender for a period of time, mutually decided on by the chartered assembly members, or forever if the effence is deemed serious enough. The banned offender may return to the assembly on probation at the end of the ban time. Should the member offend again after a ban, the assembly may vote to ban the offender permanently.

The convener can order an offender to immediately leave the premises and never return if the convener and members deem that the offender’s behaviour is serious enough.

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