Wondering how to get your assembly started? This handy guide will help you prepare for you first and subsequent meetings.


  • Set a Date: Every journey begins with a first step, and the first step to convening a common law assembly is to Set a Date: Once you have a date you have a goal to work towards.
  • Find and Book a Meeting Place: Then find and book a suitable venue in your area. Look for Community Halls, Church Halls, Sports Clubhouse, even the local park. Hotels often provide a free room so that they can get more people into the hotel. Fees for community halls are usually charged per hour at very affordable rates, sometimes as low as $15 an hour. As these are casual arrangements and non-government, public liability insurance is not required. Government-owned buildings charge between $500 and $1,000 for public liability insurance, plus whatever their rental fees are – usually much higher than other venues.
  • Set a good lead time for your first assembly to give you plenty of time to get everything organized.
  • We will set up a website page for your assembly and include an email registration form for people to subscribe to your assembly newsletters.
  • We will create an opt-in Newsletter registration form on your website page so that you can build a contact list of member, and all bookings will go direct to you.
  • This is the list of Assembly Meetings page: http://commonlaw.earth/index.php/assemblies/common-law-assemblies . Each one has button for you to Subscribe to their Newsletter. Conveners send out invitations to meeting using this newsletter, so if you want to attract new members make sure they register to get emails.
  • Updates to your web page, or for any questions about managing your assembly. After each assembly meeting, please email your Meeting Minutes to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . We will update your webpage with the details of your next scheduled assembly meeting at the same time. By keeping the information on your website page up to date you will attract many new members by keeping them informed about your activities. People want to join an active assembly.

Empower yourself with these:

Soft Cover Book

Audio Book

Dick Yardley was a North Queensland Farmer who had his land stolen from him by the local Council because he was trying to stop fruit bats destroying his crops. His book is the result of 10 years research to find out how they stole his land.

The book is a treasure trove of information about the methods the political parties used to defraud the people of the Commonwealth of Australia and the laws they changed as they committed massive treason and fraud.

Downloadable PDF

Getting Started:

  1. Don’t worry if you start small. You don’t have to rush into setting up an assembly with the minimum number of 12 people. The important thing is that you start. The first assembly in Australia started out at the Sunshine Coast with 8 people discussing common law and the constitution around a kitchen table. Today, the Sunshine Coast Assembly has hundreds of members, with more joining every day.
  2. You will need at least 12 people to form an assembly. But don’t worry if you haven’t found that many like-minded souls yet. Once you start with even a small group the word will spread and you’ll gain new members very soon.
  3. Send an email invitation to each meeting and ask them to always register before attending so that you know who is coming and how many guests they are bringing. This will help you plan seating for everyone. The registration forms are on each Assembly page.
  4. Make sure you meet at a neutral place… no government buildings, please. If you have only a small number of people to start with, consider holding your first meetings at a public park, or around your kitchen table. Turn it into a social gathering and have a BBQ. There are no rules. Do what you feel comfortable with. The important thing is to get started. The rest will follow. Get to know each other. Discuss Common Law of England, the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, and start exchanging information on what you have learned. Every Assembly needs to lay the groundwork for your future assembly gatherings with education first.
  5. Before you can become a lawful common law assembly, you need 12 people who have signed the Charter to Establish and Maintain a Common Law Assembly .
  6. Once you have 12 people you are ready to create a common law assembly. You will all need to record your live birth. Once you do, you will receive a beautiful certificate by return email. Print it out, laminate it (Office Works will do it for you) and then take it to your first assembly meeting and to any others you go to in other areas later on. http://commonlaw.earth/record-life-status/
  7. After you have done that, download and read the Assembly Constitution . This is a constitution to govern how an assembly is set up and run by the people of an assembly community. It sets the ground rules, explains how to set up an Administration team to manage affairs of the assembly, and more.
  8. At your first few meetings just get to know each other until you feel comfortable and are ready to go to the next step; elect an Administration team, as laid out in the Assembly Constitution. 
  9. When your assembly has volunteers ready to take on the task of Sheriff, elect your Sheriffs, and keep electing more as your group grows. The more Sheriffs you elect, the better. Before you do, make sure you read the articles linked to on this page: http://commonlaw.earth/sheriffs/
  10. A common law Assembly creates a lawfully constituted Common Law local government, with powers to pass Bylaws, elect Sheriffs, and convene common law courts, among other powers to protect your community. We are already doing all this and more at assemblies around the country. Your members will also be able to take action to stand under common law to stop unlawful government attempts to take away your inalienable Rights and Freedoms.
  11. No matter what stage you are at setting up your community assembly, help and advice is always available from the website, as well as from others who have already established their assemblies. Each assembly shares information with others so that we all support each other. As the assembly network grows we will have access to a growing body of knowledge to help empower each other. Any time you need help send in a Support Request through the website and one of our members will contact you as quickly as possible.


  • Prepare a checklist of the things you will need for each assembly.
  • Put a table at the entrance of the meeting venue and have a list of the people who have registered to attend so that you can mark off as they arrive.
  • Meetings cost money: Have a large bucket labelled DONATIONS in big letters on the registration desk and ask each person for a gold coin donation as you mark them off on the list. Seed the bucket with a few notes and coins to encourage people to donate. These donations are essential for the group to pay for a meeting venue, as well as other costs.
  • Use donations to buy merchandise to sell at meetings to help you raise money as well.
  • Print another page with 3 columns, NAME, POSTCODE, EMAIL to register guests and walk ins.
  • AV equipment, if available – sound system, projector etc and camera person/videographer to record your assembly. This is not essential, but you may want to record your meetings.
  • Set up a table inside the meeting room exclusively for merchandise, such as books and stickers to sell. Use the money you raise to fund events and meetings.
  • Always have cash float money on hand in coin and small denominations – eg $50 in coins and notes


The Common Law National Administration team is always available to answer your questions and to help you with anything to do with your assembly. Your first point of contact is an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to describe the help you need.

Setting up an Assembly Bank Account

There are a number of banks that offer ‘unincorporated’ accounts for ‘social clubs’ meaning you won’t need to provide an ABN nor Incorporation details…. Just a matter of making some calls.

You need to provide the bank with:

  1. Your Assembly Constitution with Assembly name
  2. Details of Office Bearers and names
  3. Your last minutes with mention of bank account to be opened

You can nominate 2 or 3 signatories. Nominating 3 is recommended. When payment is required, each signatory will receive an SMS to authorise any transaction.

Make sure the bank provides internet banking and debit cards, and charges zero fees.

Go for it! And have fun. Common law is all about Freedom, so shake off those shackles and let’s get our country back!!

Knowledge is Power -- Purchase these Education modules to learn about Common Law

CL 101
cl rights
CL Courts
CL Courts