We all know there is something wrong with our political system. The big question is, what can we do to fix it?
The definition of madness is to continue repeating an action hoping it will give us the answer we are looking for.
The fact is, our government has been stolen by a continuing series of small steps by the political parties over the last 75 years. The destruction of our country, our rights, and our freedoms has been slow, but deliberate.
Instead of We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia being supreme over the Parliament, as our Constitutional Preamble states, the political parties have turned the tables on us and made the Parliament supreme over us.
As they have dismantled our constitution and our rights they have set up a political party dictatorship. We are, in effect, run by a bunch of criminals intent on dictating everything we do and say as they steal everything they can from us. Even the Mafia has more morals than the political and judicial system today!
This video explains how Kevin Rudd and Wayne Goss committed a gross act of Treason and Treachery to create a travesty called The Reprints Act. Watch the video to learn the sad story of how these two criminals laughed at us as they made it possible for the political parties to make up the rules they wanted to rule over us.
Many Australians know that something has gone wrong with our political system, but very few of us know why it is broken, how it happened, or who is responsible. We have seen our manufacturing base eroded and destroyed. Our farmers are no longer among the top producers as we were in the past. We have draconian laws being enacted, yet We the People are powerless to stop them. As a result, our freedoms have been eroded, and many of them destroyed.
This is an in-depth accounting of what these traitors and criminals have done to disenfranchise us and destroy our Democracy:
The Queensland Constitution 2001 / The Brigalow Corporation /The Removal of all Ownership Rights in QLD & all other states of Australia.GOVERNOR OF QUEENSLAND
NOTE: This explains why State governments imposes a land tax, called “rates” on all property through their corporate “Local Government” bodies. It also explains why we cannot get justice in any court, as all magistrates, judges, lawyers and their “legal” structure is owned , paid by, and operated by a private corporation. We, the people, do not exist as living people in their corporation. We are, in effect, “dead” entities, with no rights or freedoms. This is why all official government documents sent to us are addressed in ALL CAPS, to denote our dead status.
The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (UK) 1900, signed into law by Queen Victoria on 1 January 1901 changed the status of Australia from 6 separate colonies to a single federation of states. Each State retained its own state constitution, but all states agreed to defer any inconsistencies between the Federal and State laws to the Constitution. As the people had formally agreed to this document voting in a referendum, all state and federal government employees in Australia are are bound by Clause 5 to obey the Constitution as the supreme law..
As our land ownership is a Deed in Trust and Equity with the Crown of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution (UK) 1900, not even the King may enter our property, or dispose of it in any way without the authority of the land holder, unless a court order has been issued.
The State governments have, for some time, been attempting to circumvent our Constitution using legislation instead. In order to do so, state governments have created registration processes that manipulate our agreement. They have also created a new jurisdiction known as the Environment, with which they have enslaved the People as a plural, thereby creating legislation which enforces the People as an individual.
However, they have not asked our permission to create the form of government under which they now legislate OVER the People. The above is reprinted from: http://peopleofthecommonwealth.blogspot.com.au/2010/01/overview-of-brigalow-corp-takeover-of.html
Is there anything we can do to stop the rot?
The first step towards fixing any problem is recognizing that there is a problem. The video at the start of this article explains in detail…it runs for an hour….exactly how the Socialists lurking among us have slowly but surely destroyed our nation.
Armed with this knowledge, patriotic Australians will understand what went wrong. It is our duty and our right as patriotic Australians to unite to tear down the destructive edifice the Socialist/Communist traitors to our nation have erected. We can do it, but only if we all understand what the problem is first. Please take the time to watch the videos on this page and here. Take notes if you wish so that you can look up the Acts and other laws these traitors have enacted as they wove an almost invisible web of power around us.
If you wish to get involved in helping stop the rot and turn things around you have come to the right website. Common Law is our protection and our weapon to stop the liars, thieves, criminals and TRAITORS who have lied to us and harmed us for so long.
Common Law has protected the rights and freedoms of the People for centuries. Common law endows us with the right to live our lives free of the dictates of anyone who claims power over us. However, to claim that right, we must be prepared to stand up and protect them. Many people have forgotten this, and allowed criminals posing as our “government” to deprive us of our rights instead. These criminals pass legislation in their unlawful parliaments and tell us we must obey them.
We obey because they have conditioned us to obey. But it doesn’t have to be this way. The Constitution establishes in the first 3 words of the Preamble, “WHEREAS the people…”, the People as the supreme authority over the Parliament.
The political parties have turned this upside down, and they now rule over us through legislation and fear. Governments derive their power from the people… not the other way around. When we vote for these political party liars, thieves, criminals and TRAITORS, we give them power over us.
Political parties have no right to dictate who we should vote for, or how we should live our lives. See the Constitution Sections 7 and 24.
If we are going to create a future under common law we must first overcome our fear of these criminals. We have a RIGHT and a DUTY under Article 61 of the Magna Carta to lawfully rebel and replace a government when it does not serve the people.
One way to lawfully rebel is to Stop Paying Fines!
We can protest against and resist the unlawful government and its organs of oppression by refusing to pay any fines imposed by local councils…masquerading UNLAWFULLY as a third tier of government, and all speeding, tolls and other fines imposed on us.
Click on the link below to read why we are not required to pay these unlawful financial demands, and then register to receive a package of documents you can use to stop paying fines Click here to stop paying fines fines
While you are on the Advance Australia website, please read about the 5-Point Plan to restore Australia to Health, Wealth, and Happiness again. Click here to view a Plan for the Future we could all share in. It’s up to us to act and take back control over our Parliament.
The first step starts with you deciding to start, or join, a Common Law Assembly. By joining an assembly and signing the Charter to Establish and Maintain a Common Law Assembly you create a local government of the people, by the people, for the people.
When we have established hundreds of these Assemblies around the country we will start convening Assembly Congresses where delegates elected from these assemblies will discuss and agree on plans for electing a true government of the people.
It is up to each one of us to lose our fear and unite with others to create a strong bond that will overcome the foreign corporate dictatorship that is currently destroying our future.