What are Common Law Sheriffs, and what are their duties?

The common law is the law of God written by Him on the conscience of every man. It is the sacred duty of every freeborn man to defend that law and his own liberty before and over every obligation, yea even obligation to the state or to the King. – Sir Edward Coke, 1628

All persons who were the victims of a crime in Anglo-Saxon England were expected to raise their “hue and cry” and apprehend the criminal; and upon hearing their cry, every able-bodied man in the community was expected to do the “utmost in his power” (pro toto posse suo) to chase and apprehend the accused as a “posse”. Every man was thereby personally responsible for the law and for the safety of the entire community. – From1215: The Year of Magna Carta ~by J. Danziger (2003)

You are the Spark

You, as a Sheriff elected and employed by the People, are the Spark that will inspire many to stand up for their rights and freedoms.

Today, as people establish their own self-governing assembly governments in the face of oppression imposed by the criminal institutions set up by the political parties, common law Sheriffs are needed more than ever, and very necessary.

The articles in the Sheriffs section of this website provide the tools to train and equip our Common Law peace officers Sheriffs, as well as to inspire them with a vision and purpose as front-line guardians of liberty. This information must be read and used in conjunction with the general Common Law Training Manual, for as it reminds us:

“The aim of Common Law is to re-establish direct relations of mutual aid among people by placing justice and the law within their reach again. And that devolution of power will simultaneously disestablish all hierarchical corporate institutions as a power over people.

A process so profound can only be enacted from the grassroots, by many people who have relearned freedom and use it to take action in their own communities to govern themselves as their own judge, jury and police … The Common Law is a catalyst and a means towards achieving this political and spiritual end.”

The Sheriff’s Commitment

Before taking on the duties and responsibilities of a Sheriff, it is essential that you learn about common law and you are trained how to apply the law to protect the people, and arrest criminals.

The community expects its Sheriff’s to be well versed in the law so that they can not only uphold it to benefit the community, but also to enable them to make educated judgements about employing it lawfully.

As well, all Sheriffs should complete a course in basic Common Law based on the book “A common Law Training Manual”.

As Sheriff’s train for their task, they become the spark that will inspire and train many other patriots. And by doing so, Sheriffs play a very important part of a great movement, to reclaim the Commonwealth of Australia for all its people, under our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution akt 1901, as proclaimed and gazetted.

Your job as a sheriff will be to act as the primary peace officers, as the people reassert our common law roots through local Sovereign Peoples’ Assemblies.

Common Law Sheriffs have the power to convene citizen juries and Common Law courts, deputize anyone to perform arrests, and to form and train Citizen Militias, win over the police and other agents of the old regime to act according to common law, and reclaim the land, and the wealth, of the nation for all its people.

In your hands rests the security of our Nation. Only the most devoted and courageous among you should assume this sacred responsibility. The mission of a Sheriff will not be easy, or safe, but it is necessary to protect our liberty and for our personal safety.

Sheriffs are the Defenders of the people

All Sheriffs must be elected by the Chartered members of an Assembly.

This website provides basic information. To learn more about Common Law click on the image of the blue book above right.

Knowledge is Power -- Purchase these Education modules to learn about Common Law

CL 101
cl rights
CL Courts
CL Courts

This is the procedure they must follow:

  1. Training is available through PeakDawn online education platform. A Sheriff candidate must complete course and produce thier completion certificates to their assembly meeting when they stand for election. 
  2. A Sheriff candidate stands before an Assembly and explains why they want to be a Sheriff and the skills they would bring to the job. To be a Sheriff, we need men and women who are fit, healthy, able to run fast, and who have a working knowledge of Common Law. If they have martial arts training, that is preferable, but not required. All Sheriffs must agree to undergo training. The assembly will judge them on these skills, and then vote accordingly.
  3. Once a Sheriff is elected by the assembly, the Convener, or another Sheriff, will swear in the candidate before the assembly. We do not need a bible for this, as each Sheriff must swear on their own honour to act lawfully and honourably. 
  4. After a Sheriff has been sworn in, their first duty is to fill out the Oath of Office form on the website here:
    Common Law Oath of Office
  5. After filling in the Oath form on the website the Sheriff will immediately receive a PDF copy of their Sheriff Oath of Office which they must then present to the assembly convener to sign. Only after they have done this is their Sheriff appointment valid. 
  6. On producing the Oath to the Assembly Convener, the Sheriff will be issued with a numbered badge. The cost of the badge is $50. The Sheriff is also responsible for the costs of their training and uniform. However, the Sheriff may apply to the assembly to reimburse these costs after being sworn in. It is up to each assembly to decide on whether or not to pay the costs back to the Sheriff.
  7. Sheriffs must commit to a regular exercise schedule to ensure that they are in peak physical condition at all times. 


If our Australian Sheriffs are going to become a viable alternative, and ultimately replacement, for the corporate policy enforcers (police) we need to work on two levels:

  1. We need to encourage the police to stand by the Oath they took to serve and protect the community. They need to stop enforcing ‘mandates’ and other corporate government directives that harm We the People.
  2. We need the support of the People of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Watch this video and learn what the US and Canadian people are doing to change attitudes and create a better, just future for everyone:

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