A Step-by-Step Guide to set your own Local Council

No one likes paying the excessive Rates the government councils are charging these days.

It is a FACT that councils have no government authority. We, the people of the Commonwealth of Australia have voted in three referendums to deny Local Councils as a third tier of government. The people have spoken, and after three referendums the politicians cannot try to amend the constitution any more.

However, the problem is, the politicians have ignored our Constitution and they have created corporate organizations, appointed them as Councils, and they have told us they don’t care about the law or what we want.

This cannot go on any more, so here is a proposal for any group that wants to set up their own council and manage their community instead of allowing an illegal corporate government council to dictate how you should live..

Instead of electing representatives to local government councils who are not directly accountable to the people, we propose setting up a council in each suburb. That council will be responsible for maintaining basic services, such as roads, sewerage, water, electricity, parks, etc. The responsibilities can be agreed on by the members of the public at Town Hall meetings.

The idea is to help each suburb elect their own council, set up a community bank account (or even their own community bank), and then recruit council workers and staff to carry out the Council work,... all at the direction of the people of that suburb.

How to Organize a Local Council

The following is not in any particular order, and each group may choose to do one or more things at the same time.

1. Form a small Admin team who are ready and willing to organize and inspire people to start setting up their own local councils.

2. Find a venue to hold a Town Hall meeting in a suburb. The costs will be paid by either charging a small entry fee to the meeting, or asking for donations. This decision will be made by the admin team, after assessing the situation in the suburb.

3. Book the venue. You will need to give yourself at least 6 weeks to prepare, as there is a lot to do before the meeting.

4. Design a B5 flyer to invite the residents of a suburb to a Town Hall Meeting to discuss Rates, and how they can significantly reduce them. The flyer should contain a simple message, and the design should be eye-catching and not cluttered. It should contain only the basics, such as the message, the date, time and place of the meeting, and a contact for anyone who wants to talk to someone on the Admin team.

5. Get the cost for the postman to deliver the flyers to all residents in a suburb.

6. Prepare your action plan and any materials you will need to present at the meeting. Stay focused. Keep the message simple, direct, and easy for people to understand. Make sure you include a call to action.

7. Some people will want to volunteer for jobs on the new council, so prepare job application forms.

8. Start the first Town Hall meeting with an explanation of why the Admin team have called the meeting. The presentation should be very clear in its goals.

      a. Most people are not aware of how the political parties have stolen our lawful Constitutional government, so start with an explanation of the history behind the political party takeover of our government. This article and video explain it very simply:
      b. Once you have explained the problem, present a solution: The community can take responsibility for their own council and stop paying the government council rates. All rates will be paid into a community bank account and the money used to pay a new local council and its workers. Explain that this will save them hundreds, if not thousands off their rates in future.
      c. After you have explained the concept, ask everyone by a show of hands if they would like to change to this new local council.
      d. If the community supports setting up a new local council, then ask the people to sign a charter (the Admin team will create the charter), to bind them all as members of the new council community. The charter should define the boundaries of the council responsibility, the terms and conditions that will govern how the community manages their council and the work it will be assigned to do. This charter will also bind the members of the community to support their local council by paying rates into the new council, and in any other way the people agree on.

9. Once a majority has signed the charter, the Admin team will call for volunteers to stand for election to the council. The members required are:
       a. Mayor – who is responsible for the smooth running of the council, hosting Council meetings at least once a month, providing dialog between the members of the public and their council, and helping resolve any problems that are brought to him/her that affect the local community.
       b. Deputy Mayor – Stands in for the Mayor and works closely with the Mayor so that he is kept up-to-date on the day-to-day running of the Council.
      c. Secretary
      d. Treasury team of 3 people

From there on, the Council will take responsibility and start setting up the council while working closely with the local community. This will result in a much more accessible, flexible, and effective council.

When you propose this to your assembly, please make sure you include Common Law in the name of the Admin team and Council to differentiate our Council from the corporate government one..