Would you like to meet Mike Holt?

The Great Aussie Common Law Trek

So many of us are fed up with the current political system, but how do we fix it? 

Education is the key. When we know our rights we can protect them. 

I have had so many requests to speak at meetings that it has become clear people want to hear about common law, our rights, and how we can live as sovereign, free men and women, as we were supposed to on Federation Day 1901.

My biggest supporter, my wife, is ready to join me to take Common Law on the road to reach out to as many people as possible. 

We need an RV so that we can decorate it in our Federation colours. Imagine how attractive it will look as we drive into your town!

We plan to drive the RV all over Australia, meeting people wherever we can, to discuss Common Law. We will stay as long as we are needed to help establish common law assemblies and elect Sheriffs. 

This is the type of rig we have in mind:

Whenever we can, we will find somewhere to pitch our Marquee to do a sausage sizzle, and hold meetings with local townspeople. We will have books, flyers, stickers and information sheets available for everyone.

All this costs money, so please consider helping with as much as you can afford.

We are volunteers, so we rely on your donations to fund this project. Please be generous. 

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Our bank account name is 
Advance Australia HQ
Account Number: 557779007 
BSB: 650 000 
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