How to write a Statement of Claim

There are many reasons you would write a Statement of Claim. If you have been harmed, either physically or financially in any way, you may have a claim against the person or persons causing the harm.

For example, if the political party governments or banks have harmed you or your family in any way that is not allowed under English Common Law and our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, you could have a claim against them in a Common Law Court.

A Statement of Claim is more than an affidavit as used in the court system owned and run as a business by the political party corporate system. A Statement of Claim lays out what your grievance is, who you’re accusing, the laws that have been broken (if any), and what remedy you want. 

A statement of claim is a description of the harm done to you. It is used as an argument before a judge or jury in a Common Law Court or Grand Jury.

You would write a Statement of Claim if you have lost a home, land, farm, business; if you have lost money due to any type of unlawful fine; if you have had your parenting rights taken away from you, or if you have been harmed by someone that has caused you loss of property, health, family, or money….…then you should prepare a Statement of Claim.

How to write your claim

The following tips will help you write your Statement of Claim:

  •  Your claim should be no more than ONE page
  • State BRIEFLY the issue
  • Name the people who have caused you harm. You can only bring people into a common law court. You cannot bring an organization into a common law court, unless it has been deemed by law to be an entity, and even then you must hold those who run the organization accountable as representatives of that entity.  
  • Make sure you include the full name (if possible) of the person you want to summon to court, and where the court can issue summons and documents to them; either at their place of work or their home.
  • Gather as much evidence as possible to present to the jury. The more evidence you can show the better your chances of getting a positive result. Remember, a jury need to hear only facts. You can only tell them what you saw and did. You cannot repeat what others told you, nor can you say what you think. Thoughts are not valid evidence.
  • State what remedy is sought in your Claim, and when presenting your evidence to the jury make sure you repeat what remedy you are seeking so that they can make a decision based on that.
  • You must be very clear in your intentions. Be precise, clear, and truthful at all times as you write your Statement of Claim and when presenting your evidence to a jury.
  • You can only present evidence yourself about harm caused to you. You cannot make a claim on anyone else’s behalf.

That’s it. Keep it short, simple, and clear. You will have plenty of time to present your full body of evidence when you get into court.

When you have written it, print it out, sign it, at the bottom on the right hand side of the page. You may add a thumbprint in red ink if you wish, and then save it as a PDF. Then file the Statement with the body of people appointed by your assembly tasked with convening common law courts.

These are some, but certainly not all, of the categories of complaint a common law court can hear, but don’t be limited by this list. If you have a legitimate complaint against anyone you can prepare a Statement of Claim for consideration by a Common Law Court:

  1. The Australian government’s degradation of First Nations people living standards – name those who have caused harm
  2. The Australian government denying our basic right to freedom of religion – remember, you can only bring human beings into a common law court, so don’t name a government department…. name the people in the department who have caused you harm.
  3. Unlawful bank repossessions of people’s homes, land and other property, as well as other banking crimes
  4. Crimes against parents, government employees stealing children under false pretenses
  5. Unlawful local councils pretending to be a 3rd tier of government in direct contravention of the 1988 and 1999 Referendums of the people that denied them any status as government. These councils are guilty of many crimes against the people, including
    • House/land repossessions for non-payment of Rates Demands
    • Unlawful arrest and incarceration for non-payment of fines
    • Children stolen from parents by government agencies
    • Unlawful fines for parking infringements, non payment of their taxation demands for Property Rates

Who can appear before a Common Law Court?

Anyone who has submitted a Statement of Claim describing the harm done by the people working for the corporate political party system and their departments, or banks, or people working in or representing other institutions can be summoned to a Common Law Court.

What if you cannot travel, or if the accused does not live in your community?

  • The Common Law Courts will convene in the community where the Claimant lives. If you are summoned and you cannot travel, you can apply to the common law court to set up a Zoom call. You must give your testimony in person. You cannot do it by affidavit or hire a representative to appear for you.
  • You must appear in person before a court to present your evidence to the 12 jurors. They are the ones who will make a judgement.

Who can sign a Statement of Claim, and does my Claim need to be witnessed?

Any member of the Commonwealth of Australia can sign a Statement of Claim for a common law court to consider hearing. If the court Adjudicator and Registrar decide you have not presented a claim that can be heard in a court they will advise you what needs to be done to prepare your claim for a hearing.

A claim need not be signed by a witness. A claim is your statement of facts you wish to present to a court, and therefore only you need sign it. Witness signatures do not add any weight to a Statement of Claim.

What happens to your Statement after you submit it?

All Statements of Claim submitted to the Common Law Court will be held in strict confidence at the Common Law Court Adjudicator and Registrar until such time as a court is ready to convene. The court members must follow a set of steps that can take months before a court can sit to hear your testimony.